Derek Cannavo
Worship Director
Derek grew up in a very musical, Christ centered family. Both his grandparents were pastors and his father currently pastors a church in Messina, Sicily.
He grew up helping at church wherever necessary and usually ended up back near a mixing board somewhere or playing whatever instrument the worship team needed on any given Sunday. As a teenager he grew much more serious about God and music, leaving most of his passions for sports behind for musical instruments instead. As soon as he could drive he was given a key to the small Rhode Island family church where he spent almost all his evenings learning instruments, playing, recording, singing and writing in an empty sanctuary.
Derek later moved to California and Nashville working as a full time writer and producer until God’s plans surprisingly landed him on the shores of Tulsa where he has been blessed to serve many local churches and their musical departments. On August 1, 2021 he married his prayer partner and sweetheart Rachele who also is originally from Italy. The two will be expecting their first baby, a boy, in July. Their passions are nothing less than seeing God’s Kingdom come and all the earth filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea!