Kim Peters
Associate Children's Director
Kim Peters was born in southern California but grew up in Dunlap, IL. She was not raised in the church and did not know Jesus as her Savior until she married and started a family.
Kim moved back to Los Angeles in 2001 where she met her husband of 29 years. Kim and Dean went on to have 8 amazing kids, raising them in their CA church where they both worked and served for many years.
In 2021, Kim and her family decided it was time to leave CA and move to Tulsa, OK, where the winds come sweeping down the plains. They’ve made Tulsa Bible Church their home and are blessed to both be able to work on staff as well.
Kim has 6 kids still living at home, 4 of which she homeschools. She enjoys managing her home, reading, and going out for coffee with a friend or her kids. She has always worked in Children’s Ministry in some capacity and is thrilled to be able to do so again at TBC.