General Information
Philosophy and Mission
The mission of Tulsa Bible Church's Youth Ministry is to know God and make him known. We pray for our students to personally know the Father, with Jesus as their Savior and friend, and with the Spirit as their helper, as they follow Christ in the context of the local church (Heb. 10:24-25).
The philosophy of ministry accompanying this mission is Word-centric. Scripture takes precedence. All events and gatherings exist to give the Word its place as the chief means by which we know God personally through Jesus Christ (2 Pe 1:17-21, 2 Tim 3:14-17, Heb 4:11-13, 2 Cor. 3:18). At TBC, we organize everything with the express purpose of giving the Word to our students so they might behold Christ. ​

Sundays @ 9:00A; Wednesday @ 6:30P
Weekly Gatherings
TBC has 2 main times for student gatherings: Sunday mornings (9am) are primarily spent teaching through a book of the Bible. Wednesday evenings (6:30pm) are more topical series that complement the Sunday teaching. On Wednesdays, we also fellowship, teach, and, typically, end with small group discussion based on grade/gender.
Our goal is for high school students (Grades 9-12) to gain biblically-relevant insight for today's cultural issues, grow in their personal relationship to Christ, and build a firm biblical-theological foundation by working through each genre of Scripture.

Discipleship, Events, Communication
Life in Student Ministry
The youth ministry exists to support parents in the discipleship of their family. We want to come alongside, assist, encourage, counsel, and help in any way we can to see students trust Christ and live for His glory (Deut 6:4-9; Prov 22.:6).
We have various retreats, conferences, and events throughout the year. For more information, please feel free to email Bennett Cox at bennettcox@tulsabible.org. Communication with students is primarily through monthly newsletters and Remind (a pastor-controlled mass texting service used for schedule reminders). ​ To sign up text alerts, text @a86a4kh to 81010.​​